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Public Speaking Tips for Webinars

Add Impact When You Present Through Webinars

By Executive Speech Coach, Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE
No matter what you level of public speaking experience, whenever you open your mouth, whether you're talking to one person or a thousand, you usually want to get a specific message across. Anyone who sets out to present, persuade, and propel with the spoken word faces pitfalls. And, as technology and travel budgets play a more important part in our lives, you have yet another challenge: What do you do when you are communicating through a Webinar? What is different about a Webinar presentation? How do you catch and keep your audience? Here are some tips.
Before You Start, Use Looping Slides
Once your audience tunes in, how do you make sure they are entertained and feel involved even before the event starts? The best way is with a series of Looping Slides. Looping Slides are a great way to convey important information and to keep attendees entertained while waiting for your presentation to begin.
These slides need to communicate:
  • When the session will begin.
  • The Conference Dial-in number.
  • A photo, name and title of the presenter.
  • What the audience is going to learn.
  • What to do in case of problems.
You may also have quotes about the content they will be learning.
Be More Visual in Your Presentation
Be creative. Think Hollywood! Tell stories and give examples as you go through your program, the same way you would in person. However, your Webinar needs more visuals to help engage the audience. Use more slides than with an in-person presentation. Add bullet points one at a time as you "build." Don't present a list of all your points before you discuss them. Keep it simple, keep it moving, and interact often.
Plan Your Structure
Outline your presentation on paper or flip chart and then build the PowerPoint®. You have to get "messy" before you get tidy! It is better to have fewer points and illustrate them well.
Be sure you:
  • Introduce your objective.
  • Sell the benefits.
  • Explain the Agenda and timing of your session.
  • Add any logistics and how they will interact with you.
Open with a Grabber Slide and Comment
After your grabber slide, it is up to you to engage your audience immediately with a powerful, relevant opening that includes the word "you." Your grabber opening might be:
A catchy FACT: "It may interest you to know Ferraris hold their value more than polo ponies! I first learned this lesson when..."
A startling STATISTIC: "Did you know that if you had spent a million dollars a day, every day since Jesus was born, you would not have spent a trillion dollars. Please keep that in mind as we strategize how to increase sales by only 5%..."
An intriguing CHALLENGE: "Ten years ago we were the market leaders. This year we are 13th. You are now in an exciting position to turn that around…"
Grabber openings get the attention of your audience. Then it is up to you to keep it. Never start by saying, "Good morning." Instead, say something like, "Welcome! You are in for a treat! You are about to learn how to…" As you introduce the session, SELL the listeners on how they are going to benefit. Keep them glued. Remember, they can't see you, so it is all too easy for them to answer their email or go get a cup of coffee.
Introduce Yourself
Once you have sold the session, you can introduce yourself if someone else is not doing it. Do NOT do it first. Just as with an in-person session, say something the listeners care about, and then they care about who you are.
Forge an Emmotional Connection
The most powerful communication combines both intellectual and emotional connections. Intellectual means appealing to educated self-interest with data and reasoned arguments. Emotion comes from engaging the listeners' imaginations, involving them in your illustrative stories by frequent use of the word "you" and from answering their unspoken question, "What's in this for me?" Use a high I/You ratio.
For example, don't say, "I'm going to talk to you about Webinars." Instead, say something like, "In the next 56 minutes, you will learn: the 6 secrets of making a Webinar work; the 4 benefits of using Webinars as part of your client interaction; and the 3 mistakes our competitors are making when they use them."
Build in Interaction
Depending on the technology you are using, make sure you interact whenever logical. For example, stop and ask, "Based on what you have heard so far, what are your questions?"
Use Memorable Stories
People rarely remember your exact words. Instead, they remember the mental images that your words inspire. Support your key points with vivid, relevant stories. Help them "make the movie" in their heads by using memorable characters, exciting situations, dialogue, and humor. With a combination of your examples and visuals, it will be a memorable presentation.
Use Effective Pauses
Good music and good communication both contain changes of pace, pauses, and full rests. This is where your listeners think about what they have just heard. If you rush on at full speed to crowd in as much information as possible, chances are you've left your listeners back at the station. It's okay to talk quickly, but whenever you say something profound or proactive or ask a rhetorical question, pause.
Avoid Irritating Non-Words
Hmm—ah—er—you know what I mean—. On a WebinarCaine says, "Rehearsal is the work, performance is the relaxation."
Review What You've Covered
As with an in-person presentation, always review your key ideas: Then say, "Before my closing remarks…what are your questions?"
Emphasize Their Next Steps
Be clear what their next logical steps should be. Send them off energized and focused.
Close on a High
Your last words linger. Make sure they are yours—don't quote anyone else—and make sure they are powerful.
Have Backup Computers
Here is a practical suggestion that has paid off for me. Have two computers tuned into the Webinar. My Fripp Associate Tom Drews is very experienced with presenting through Webinars. He recommended this technique to Jim Prost and me when we were presenting through Webinar for the American Payroll Association. Suddenly, Jim, who was taking lead, said his computer had frozen. I immediately jumped in and delivered my portion earlier than planned. This gave Jim time to get his second laptop to the place where the first had frozen. He had it tuned into the Webinars, so it only took a few moments. With technology…you never know!
(1,106 words)
This article is adapted with permission from one first published in eLearn magazine.
Through speech coaching or sales presentation training Patricia Fripp and her Fripp Associates can help you and your team become proficient in effective presentation skills, resulting in improved sales and meetings. As experts in business communication, Fripp Associates' services include teaching their clients how to be more effective with online meetings.
Patricia Fripp's Public Speaking & Presentation Skills School is the workshop dedicated to achieving excellence in your public speaking and presentation skills.
Improve your public speaking and presentation skills with Patricia Fripp's CDs, DVDs, books, and downloads.

Check out Fripp's The Executive Speech Coach blog and learn more about public speaking.

Subscribe to SpeakerFrippNews enewsletter on public speaking; it's free - and it's easy to unsubscribe if you change your mind.

Patricia Fripp offers you her articles to reprint or repost, free of charge, provided that her name and contact information (supplied at the end this page) are included. Please let us know how you plan to use any article(s) by Patricia Fripp by contacting us through an easy online form: contact Fripp to reprint/repost articles. 

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Business and Finance - So Who Really Gets Ahead in Life Financially?

So Who Really Gets Ahead in Life Financially?
Let me share a short fictitious story with you about three employees...

Andy and Brady work for the same company as Truck Drivers. They each make $15 an hour.

Chris, their manager, is on salary. He makes $55,000 per year. Since Chris is on salary, his work days end up running as long as 9 to 11 hours, or as long as it takes to get a particular job done (which may include some work on weekends).

Andy is one of those really fun guys to be around. He is not caught up with winning the financial rat race. He has accepted the fact that he will never be rich and will always work for someone else, and probably never be able to retire. He has convinced himself to accept this. After work he heads home to eat in front of his favorite television programs and spends some time with his family playing ball, going on picnics, hikes, fishing and camping trips, etc., and has his 'guys night out' at least once a week.

Chris is usually burned out from his long and stressful days. When he gets home from work, he cleans up, grabs a bite to eat and finds something to occupy his time for 20 or 30 minutes to unwind and then its lights out to get some rest to start the grind all over again the next morning.

Brady made the decision long ago that he wanted more out of life and he would not settle for average (After all, being average means you are just as close to the bottom as you are the top)! He refuses to believe that he will be an employee for the rest of his life!

He reads every day for half an hour from books on motivation, business success, goal setting, etc., and is constantly listening to the same material from his car's sound system whenever he is behind the wheel. He participates in conference calls with other motivated, business-minded people at least once each week.

When he gets home from work, he spends some quality time with his family, but stays away from the television and radio and other mundane "time-wasters." He works on his 'side' busness for two hours each night, and is beginning to see some passive income from his efforts.

Let's skip ahead three years...

Andy is still a fun guy to be around, but he had to get a part-time 2nd job since his kids are getting older and needing more and more money for different odds and ends. His hourly pay has increased to $16.50, but he is feeling somewhat discouraged about his lack of time freedom. He can't do all of the fun stuff he is used to because he can't afford to pay his bills otherwise.

Chris (the manager) has been such a valuable asset as an employee, he has been given additional responsibilities at work (which now takes his Saturdays), and his salary has been increased to $70,000 per year. With his increased salary he increased his debt load because he could 'afford' to do that. But he is past feeling that life is pointless because even though he has all this extra money, he is an absolute SLAVE to his JOB! He wonders what good is all this money if he has no time to enjoy it.

Brady on the other hand is now making more money than Chris from his side business and investments. This Passive Income allowed him to quit working for Chris 6 months ago. He still only puts in a couple of hours a day keeping his business growing. If Brady wants some time off, he takes it.

Brady is actually considering purchasing his own trucking company and hiring Chris to manage it!

So Who Really Gets Ahead in Life Financially?

Have you given up like Andy on the idea of getting ahead financially? Have you bought into the misconception that you should be an ideal employee and climb the corporate ladder and become a SLAVE to your JOB like Chris?

Or are you willing to pay the price NOW to achieve results like Brady?

A true genius is someone who can find a way to make money doing what they love. Find something you are passionate about and create a way to share that with others. If you do what you love, the money will follow.

Good luck!

 by: Nick J. Lang

How to Increase the Luck Factor in Your Success

How big is the luck factor when it comes to the amount of success you experience in your life? Many of us attribute any success in business or in other aspects of our lives to some 'mythical' luck factor. When you think about that what we are really doing is de-emphasizing our own involvement in any personal achievements we may have accomplished. I do not know about you, but I for one do not want to think I have little control over my own fate. I believe that each one of us is capable of achieving great success in our lives if only we apply ourselves. In fact this luck that we often attribute success to is something we can develop for use in our own personal pursuits.

Here are 3 ways in which we can increase our own luck factor to help us achieve any personal or professional goals we may have.


Achieving success in business or otherwise starts with first identifying what it is you want. By determining your goals you are now better able to prepare yourself to pursue them. Preparation is half the battle and although it may seem like just dumb luck when you see people succeed what you did not witness was the preparation involved.

With a greater focus on what it is you are striving for also comes the ability to recognize any opportunities that can help you achieve these goals when you see them.


As the saying goes 'practice makes perfect' and this is so true in every aspect of our lives. Outstanding athletes get that way through many long hours of practice as do successful business people. In order to excel at anything it is almost always necessary to commit yourself fully towards learning and mastering any and all of the skills involved.


The only thing true about becoming an 'overnight success' is that it takes commitment and perseverance over a period of time to achieve! There will be setbacks of that you can be sure but it is your willingness to work through the difficult and frustrating times that will ultimately set you on the path to great success.

Do not ever give up if you believe in what you are doing!

When we reference the luck factor that is involved in the success of ourselves or others it is important to understand this good fortune is something we can create. This realization helps people become aware how much control they have over their own fate. Whether it is success in business or in some other aspect of our lives we play the starring role in the creation of the luck involved in any personal achievements. You see luck is not something that happens just by chance but instead it is a coordination of circumstances which we can create and bring together. The 3 ways we spoke of above are efforts we ourselves can consciously put forth in order to create the luck we need to achieve the great success we seek.
 by: TJ Philpott

How to Setting Up Website on Search Engine Ranking page SEOSearch Engine optimization site is considered the best way of achieving in the top ten best search engines. It is very important for optimizing search engine web site should give due attention to the best results were obtained in the form of a rank in the results pages of search engine research . A better ranking in the results page of search engine is the most anticipated for any website. The reason behind this is that the search engine page rank correct, it is possible that your site can gain more potential visitors to your site and increase profits. However, the optimization of a suitable site there are several things that are essential to give serious attention. One factor is obviously the key word search is the key to increasing traffic to your website. Keywords are the source through which users of the search engine may find your website. The fact is that when users of search engines to find the information you enter keywords that your search criteria and search engine returns the results as links to web pages and sites that have taken the information in this issue. In addition, the choice of the combination of keywords and key phrases is essential to study the needs of users with great care. But while choosing the keywords that should be taken into account that the process does not fill the site with keywords. In fact, the keyword stuffing is considered as a process of manipulating search engines. Therefore, it is essential to keep this idea in mind that if search engines in any brand and a website to use unfair means or attempt to manipulate search engines in a certain way, would be most detrimental to the site Not only this, even considering the intensity of the manipulation of search engines, you can even ban the site. Therefore, it is essential to consider factors that can cripple a Web site. Because of these reasons and the need to study the search engine algorithms very carefully, which keeps on changing from time to time is always better to seek help from a SEO consultant or leave this task in certain business experienced engine optimization search for the best results can be achieved. Not only the search keywords and choosing the perfect keyword for a website is what you can do to rank your website. There are also several other factors are equally indispensable. Some of them are of course building links, link exchange, directory submission, website marketing and various other factors and these factors must be given adequate attention so that you can get the best results byoptimizing search engine website. So after all these factors carefully, you may get the best results in optimizing search engine to your website and SEO consultant with experience can be very useful.

How to Setting Up Website on Search Engine Ranking kumara01.blogspot.compage

SEOSearch Engine optimization site is considered the best way of achieving in the top ten best search engines. It is very important for optimizing search engine web site should give due attention to the best results were obtained in the form of a rank in the results pages of search engine research . A better ranking in the results page of search engine is the most anticipated for any website. The reason behind this is that the search engine page rank correct, it is possible that your site can gain more potential visitors to your site and increase profits.
However, the optimization of a suitable site there are several things that are essential to give serious attention. One factor is obviously the key word search is the key to increasing traffic to your website. Keywords are the source through which users of the search engine may find your website. The fact is that when users of search engines to find the information you enter keywords that your search criteria and search engine returns the results as links to web pages and sites that have taken the information in this issue. In addition, the choice of the combination of keywords and key phrases is essential to study the needs of users with great care. But while choosing the keywords that should be taken into account that the process does not fill the site with keywords. In fact, the keyword stuffing is considered as a process of manipulating search engines. Therefore, it is essential to keep this idea in mind that if search engines in any brand and a website to use unfair means or attempt to manipulate search engines in a certain way, would be most detrimental to the site Not only this, even considering the intensity of the manipulation of search engines, you can even ban the site. Therefore, it is essential to consider factors that can cripple a Web site.
Because of these reasons and the need to study the search engine algorithms very carefully, which keeps on changing from time to time is always better to seek help from a SEO consultant or leave this task in certain business experienced engine optimization search for the best results can be achieved. Not only the search keywords and choosing the perfect keyword for a website is what you can do to rank your website. There are also several other factors are equally indispensable. Some of them are of course building links, link exchange, directory submission, website marketing and various other factors and these factors must be given adequate attention so that you can get the best results byoptimizing search engine website. So after all these factors carefully, you may get the best results in optimizing search engine to your website and SEOcirebon consultant with experience can be very useful.

How to Speed Up Your Blog

he loading time of websites is one of the most important factors affecting the ease of use, most Internet users will skip a site only if it is not  Optimization: most websites are designed with CSS . Be sure to add and clean your CSS. CleanCSS is an online tool that will merge similar selectors, remove useless properties and remove the spaces in your code.
4. Use a bar on your relationship: when a user opens a link in the form “” the server will identify the type of file or page is contained in that direction. If you include a slash (/) at the end of the connection, the server knows that this is a page directory, which reduces the loading time of the site.
5. Use the height and width tags: Many people forget to add the height and width of the label code from the image. These labels ensure that the browser knows the size of the image before loading. The result is that reserves a place to load images while the rest of the page, to accelerate the process.
6. Reduce HTTP requests: to open a web page all objects (images, scripts and online) will require a roundtrip to the server. This period may add several seconds to load time of your site. Be sure to reduce the number of objects and combine CSS files and scripts together.

Popularity: 100% [?]
to speed your blog

Harta karun Internet

The loading time of websites is one of the most important factors affecting the ease of use, most Internet users will skip a site only if it is not fully loaded within seconds. Below is the summary of the speed up your blog/website. These methods are simple but effective steps to ensure that your site is up and running quickly.
1. Optimize images: always use the “Save for Web” included in the software image editing. Images that represent the heaviest burden on virtually any website to make sure you optimize them. Alternatively, you can use an optimizer images online.
2. Image formats: In addition to optimizing images, it is important to choose the right format. The JPEG format is suitable for photographs or images in true color. The GIF format should be used with color images flat like logos or buttons. PNG works very similar to GIF but supports more colors.
3. c Optimization: most websites are designed with css today. Be sure to add and clean your CSS. CleanCSS is an online tool that will merge similar selectors, remove useless properties and remove the spaces in your code.
4. Use a bar on your relationship: when a user opens a link in the form “” the server will identify the type of file or page is contained in that direction. If you include a slash (/) at the end of the connection, the server knows that this is a page directory, which reduces the loading time of the site.
5. Use the height and width tags: Many people forget to add the height and width of the label code from the image. These labels ensure that the browser knows the size of the image before loading. The result is that reserves a place to load images while the rest of the page, to accelerate the process.
6. Reduce HTTP requests: to open a web page all objects (images, scripts and online) will require a roundtrip to the server. This period may add several seconds to load time of your site. Be sure to reduce the number of objects and combine CSS files and scripts together.

Popularity: 100% [?]


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