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Business and Finance - So Who Really Gets Ahead in Life Financially?

So Who Really Gets Ahead in Life Financially?
Let me share a short fictitious story with you about three employees...

Andy and Brady work for the same company as Truck Drivers. They each make $15 an hour.

Chris, their manager, is on salary. He makes $55,000 per year. Since Chris is on salary, his work days end up running as long as 9 to 11 hours, or as long as it takes to get a particular job done (which may include some work on weekends).

Andy is one of those really fun guys to be around. He is not caught up with winning the financial rat race. He has accepted the fact that he will never be rich and will always work for someone else, and probably never be able to retire. He has convinced himself to accept this. After work he heads home to eat in front of his favorite television programs and spends some time with his family playing ball, going on picnics, hikes, fishing and camping trips, etc., and has his 'guys night out' at least once a week.

Chris is usually burned out from his long and stressful days. When he gets home from work, he cleans up, grabs a bite to eat and finds something to occupy his time for 20 or 30 minutes to unwind and then its lights out to get some rest to start the grind all over again the next morning.

Brady made the decision long ago that he wanted more out of life and he would not settle for average (After all, being average means you are just as close to the bottom as you are the top)! He refuses to believe that he will be an employee for the rest of his life!

He reads every day for half an hour from books on motivation, business success, goal setting, etc., and is constantly listening to the same material from his car's sound system whenever he is behind the wheel. He participates in conference calls with other motivated, business-minded people at least once each week.

When he gets home from work, he spends some quality time with his family, but stays away from the television and radio and other mundane "time-wasters." He works on his 'side' busness for two hours each night, and is beginning to see some passive income from his efforts.

Let's skip ahead three years...

Andy is still a fun guy to be around, but he had to get a part-time 2nd job since his kids are getting older and needing more and more money for different odds and ends. His hourly pay has increased to $16.50, but he is feeling somewhat discouraged about his lack of time freedom. He can't do all of the fun stuff he is used to because he can't afford to pay his bills otherwise.

Chris (the manager) has been such a valuable asset as an employee, he has been given additional responsibilities at work (which now takes his Saturdays), and his salary has been increased to $70,000 per year. With his increased salary he increased his debt load because he could 'afford' to do that. But he is past feeling that life is pointless because even though he has all this extra money, he is an absolute SLAVE to his JOB! He wonders what good is all this money if he has no time to enjoy it.

Brady on the other hand is now making more money than Chris from his side business and investments. This Passive Income allowed him to quit working for Chris 6 months ago. He still only puts in a couple of hours a day keeping his business growing. If Brady wants some time off, he takes it.

Brady is actually considering purchasing his own trucking company and hiring Chris to manage it!

So Who Really Gets Ahead in Life Financially?

Have you given up like Andy on the idea of getting ahead financially? Have you bought into the misconception that you should be an ideal employee and climb the corporate ladder and become a SLAVE to your JOB like Chris?

Or are you willing to pay the price NOW to achieve results like Brady?

A true genius is someone who can find a way to make money doing what they love. Find something you are passionate about and create a way to share that with others. If you do what you love, the money will follow.

Good luck!

 by: Nick J. Lang

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