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Cari Blog Ini

Harta karun Internet

The loading time of websites is one of the most important factors affecting the ease of use, most Internet users will skip a site only if it is not fully loaded within seconds. Below is the summary of the speed up your blog/website. These methods are simple but effective steps to ensure that your site is up and running quickly.
1. Optimize images: always use the “Save for Web” included in the software image editing. Images that represent the heaviest burden on virtually any website to make sure you optimize them. Alternatively, you can use an optimizer images online.
2. Image formats: In addition to optimizing images, it is important to choose the right format. The JPEG format is suitable for photographs or images in true color. The GIF format should be used with color images flat like logos or buttons. PNG works very similar to GIF but supports more colors.
3. c Optimization: most websites are designed with css today. Be sure to add and clean your CSS. CleanCSS is an online tool that will merge similar selectors, remove useless properties and remove the spaces in your code.
4. Use a bar on your relationship: when a user opens a link in the form “” the server will identify the type of file or page is contained in that direction. If you include a slash (/) at the end of the connection, the server knows that this is a page directory, which reduces the loading time of the site.
5. Use the height and width tags: Many people forget to add the height and width of the label code from the image. These labels ensure that the browser knows the size of the image before loading. The result is that reserves a place to load images while the rest of the page, to accelerate the process.
6. Reduce HTTP requests: to open a web page all objects (images, scripts and online) will require a roundtrip to the server. This period may add several seconds to load time of your site. Be sure to reduce the number of objects and combine CSS files and scripts together.

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