mungkin ga cirebon jadi provinsi sendiri

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Cirebon Dream So Provincial

BACKGROUND polemics appeared in the local daily, about the possibility of region III became provincial town of Cirebon. Although there are pros and cons of thinking, but the argument that appears still leads in the possibility of thinking of Cirebon becomes one province.

Cirebon new discourse became more heated when the provincial Chief Legislative five sewilayah III Cirebon, legislative chairmen Indramayu, Majalengka, Kuningan, Cirebon, Cirebon and sort out the political manifesto that essentially supports the discourse that developed in the community about the possibility of Cirebon to the province.

The rationale of the political manifesto that was signed five-Chairman of Parliament Suryana (Cirebon City), H Maskup Buntoro (Cirebon), Sam Harrison (Indramayu), Ading Akhyadi (Brass), and kiss Supardja (Majalengka) is the need to restructure the (reform) structure territorial organization and management structure of local bureaucracy and a reorientation and revitalization of the regional development strategy.

"Based on that kind of thinking then the discourse of the province becomes relevant and should be supported," wrote the manifesto.

In addition to the manifest support of the five head of Parliament is also ready to fight politically against the idea of ideas and thinking of Cirebon area communities in realizing the formation of the Province of Cirebon. As a first step, need to fight for the legal basis for the establishment of the Province of Cirebon.

Manifesto, which contains a six-point statement was also provided political guarantees for the security of their assets and foreign investment located in Cirebon, either before or after the province. In addition it also provides assurance that the establishment of provincial politics in the corridors of Cirebon keep the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution 45.

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